Redeemer Anglican Church is a young and vibrant church on the North side of the Ohio River just outside Pittsburgh. Our first pastors planted the seeds of the congregation from 2015-2020, and much shaping of its development will be the task of its next pastor. Nevertheless, we can trace an outline of the life that lies ahead.
Our Vision Statement: "We aspire to overflow with the redeeming love of Christ where we live, work, and play.”
Aspiration – Our vision is modest but hopeful. We realize the difficulty of starting a new church in the current secular climate, but we trust that God’s work done in God’s way will not lack God’s supply.
Abundance – We hope to grow and overflow in numbers and outreach by demonstrating the love of Jesus in our personal and corporate life.
Christ-centered discipleship – We are above all disciples of Jesus Christ, who calls us saying “come, follow me.” We are open to new and bold initiatives.
Local focus – Our church focus is the North Boroughs, a chain of small townships with a variety of racial, ethnic and economic groupings and a common Pittsburgh pride.
In order to fulfill our vision, we propose the following objectives:
To grow in numbers by:
Our Vision Statement: "We aspire to overflow with the redeeming love of Christ where we live, work, and play.”
Aspiration – Our vision is modest but hopeful. We realize the difficulty of starting a new church in the current secular climate, but we trust that God’s work done in God’s way will not lack God’s supply.
Abundance – We hope to grow and overflow in numbers and outreach by demonstrating the love of Jesus in our personal and corporate life.
Christ-centered discipleship – We are above all disciples of Jesus Christ, who calls us saying “come, follow me.” We are open to new and bold initiatives.
Local focus – Our church focus is the North Boroughs, a chain of small townships with a variety of racial, ethnic and economic groupings and a common Pittsburgh pride.
In order to fulfill our vision, we propose the following objectives:
To grow in numbers by:
- Promoting strong preaching and teaching, along with equipping members for personal witness and evangelism
- Offering lively and lovely worship, blending tradition with spontaneity
- Incorporating new and old members in loving fellowship
- Creating home groups in nearby boroughs, e.g., Ben Avon, Emsworth and West View
- Participating with neighbors in civic and cultural activities
- Forming and participating in Bible-study, fellowship and prayer groups, cooperating with existing programs like Community Bible Study
- Encouraging local and overseas mission activity – assisted by groups like SAMS and Church Army
- Accessing resources of Trinity School for Ministry, e.g., short courses, seminary interns
- Using the Book of Common Prayer as a framework for worship, word and sacrament
- Participating fully in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh and maintaining ties with our mother church, St. Stephen’s in Sewickley
- Developing relationships with global Anglicans at home and abroad
- Modeling and helping faithful marriages
- Providing educational programs for children and young people
- Incorporating single and married people in common endeavors
- Seeking to reach elderly individuals and couples in the area
- Seeking God’s guidance for a facility that serves our mission
- Assessing the availability and costs of local properties
- Developing a financial plan for purchase or long-term leasing
- By adhering to relevant church canons and state laws
- By monitoring budgets and auditing financial statements
- By hiring sufficient clergy and lay staff as the church grows